Taylo I Am Rap is an independent artist, under Grindhouze Inc. (Independent Music Label). His smash hit single “Big Dog” was influenced by the snapchat “dog filter” which he converted into a catchy anthem. “Big Dog” will be available for pre-order on Itunes 3-7-17 and officially released on all streaming sites on 3-17-17. The video was shot in Los Angeles, and is available on youtube. It will soon be available on worldstar, vevo, vimeo, tidal and all other video streaming services.
Connect w/ Taylo I Am Rap:
Twitter: @taylo_i_am_rap
Instagram: tayloiamrap
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tayloGRINDHOUZE/?hc_ref=SEARCH&fref=nf
Snapchat: http://www.snapchat.com/add/tayloiamrap