[Single] DOC STRANGE – “Big Body Benz” (Feat. Lee Trelly) @itsDOCSTRANGE @LeeTrelly


Texas artist, DOC STRANGE drops another smooth single called, “Big Body Benz.”

Featuring young artist, Lee Trelly, “Big Body Benz” is a dope ass song to ride in your

Benz too. DOC STRANGE’s new project, “CULT” will be released really soon.

Here’s DOC STRANGE quote that inspired him for making “Big Body Benz”

Big Body Benz is a trophy record. It’s a celebration of triumph over adversity in the form of doubters, imitators, and all the other assorted types of problems that life can throw at you. It’s an acknowledgement that although a G class wagon isn’t the reason for success, it’s still a good reminder that you came, you saw, and you conquered.

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