Rocky Insanity – Insanity (Freestyle)


Pushing to make her music heard in LA by way of Detroit, Hip-Hop/Pop artist Rocky Insanity risked it all in a move to Hollywood following her dreams. Now the business driven, self-determined femcee and pop singer is making moves with a wave of new music and upcoming releases.

Born in Detroit but of Chaldean decent, Rocky Insanity prides herself on the diversity within her life and her music, embracing her heritage and that of others. It didn’t take long for Rocky to develop a love for music as she started singing and dancing in her toddler years.

“I started singing and dancing at 1 1/2 yrs old. As a child I was always in choir and my teacher got me warmed up to the stage by giving me most of the solos,” Rocky explained. “After high school, I would take any music tracks I could sing and write to them. I also joined a rock band called In Code, where we would perform covers at bars/venues.”

Since moving to Los Angeles Rocky Insanity has been pushing her solo project, the Untamed EP which combines her eclectic sound of Rock, Pop and Hip-Hop for a mix unlike anything out now.

“I really hope the fans enjoy it, connect to it and feel my heart. I’m pouring out in on this project and I’m ready for thing to go to that next level. <3<3<3," Rocky Insanity said.

This Summer Rocky Insanity is gearing up for the release of her follow up effort, dubbed Phoenix.

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